Climate Change: Rising Security (Non-Traditional) Threat to Pakistan


  • Dr. Nasreen Akhtar Assistant Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Inamullah Jan Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan



Climate Change, International Regime, Security, State and Societal Behavior, Threat


Climate change has become the main domain in security and political studies. The main objectives of the present study is to analyse the impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s national security that is highly vulnerable in terms of climate change. Climate change is considered a grave non-traditional threat to the modern state system and its security. Climate change has become an essential non-traditional security realm that has immensely challenged Pakistan’s security. Rapidly changing climate is posing a great challenge and the threat to state machinery and increasing a security threat to Pakistan. The research seeks state’s policies in dealing with climate change and formulates the answers at national and international level which are absolutely essential for maintainable political and economic development of the state. Food crisis owing to climate crisis changing the societal behavior and undermining the nation building in recent time. Severe climate change is increasing vulnerability in agriculture, forests, water and live stocks, fisheries, forests etc. State institutions have done not much to adapt to climate change which makes the country more vulnerable. This research is significant because two heavy floods in Pakistan in 2010 and 2022 seriously challenged the country’s capability and extremely influenced the capacity of state and society. The research is conducted on qualitative and interpretative methodology to grasp the present study and to inquire that what are the identifiable security threats which emanating in the security environment of Pakistan.





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How to Cite

Akhtar, N., & Jan, I. (2023). Climate Change: Rising Security (Non-Traditional) Threat to Pakistan. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 991–1004.