Modern Dowry Payment in Punjab: A Phenomenological Analysis


  • Muhammad Tahir Ramzan MPhil Scholar, Department of Social Work, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Beenish Ijaz Butt Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Abubakar Nazeer Choudhry Senior Research Officer, ORIC, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan



Anti-dowry Laws, Dowry, Gender, Pre-mortem Inheritance, Punjab


The dowry commonly perceived as the money, assets or goods given by a bride’s family to in-laws at the time of marriage is a centuries-old social practice deeply rooted in various patriarchal cultural settings, especially in South Asia. This vicious custom is a brutal trap and a significant threat to females by the systematic patriarchal structures of oppression. It is associated with several risk factors for females like murder, violation, female feticide, suicide, son preference etc. Although dowry is a cause of heavy economic burden to middle and low income families, it is propagating rapidly in modern age under social pressures. Therefore, the present study, using qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, was trying to explore the socio-cultural causes of modern dowry payments, the repercussions of modern dowry payments on family structure, and the effect of legislation on modern dowry payments in Punjab. After analysis, it is found that the state should reform existing anti-dowry laws or formulate new legislation and strict implementation, policies to empower gender, improve education, and awareness campaigns through media and work to change orthodox patriarchal mind set responsible for the dowry.





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How to Cite

Ramzan, M. T., Butt, B. I., & Choudhry, A. N. (2023). Modern Dowry Payment in Punjab: A Phenomenological Analysis. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(2), 825–835.