State and Politics in Pakistan: An Analysis of Economic and Political Policies from 1971 To 1977
Bhutto, Capitalism, Economy, Nationalization, Politics, SocialismAbstract
Economic system and policies are the backbone for the development of a country. This paper is an effort to understand the main trends and policies of economy in Pakistan, especially during Bhutto era. The most important is the nationalization of the private property to bring equality in the society with the banner and ideology of socialism. The main cause for the failure of the Islamic socialism was that it could not get enough time. Pakistan is an agricultural country the main focus of the reforms and policies during Bhutto era were related to the land and Agri-products. Nationalization of the land make good sign because with this the people who were farmers and not having any land could get their own land which could increase the production. Another reason was to end the elite culture from Pakistan. This system was abolished with the end of Bhutto’s era. Qualitative interpretative method is applied for accomplishing this research study.
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