“Teacher”: A Mechanism for Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development


  • Dr. Shumaila Mahboob Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Shafqat Rasool Assistant Professor, Department of Education ,Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Asma Ishtiaq Lecturer, Department of Education, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan




Community Development, Mechanism, Social Enterprise, Universities, Student


The aim of this study was to investigate the role of teacher as change agent for social enterprise and community development. Teachers act as catalysts .They participate in community development and social reforms. They also offer a path for effortless and efficient learning reactions. The sample of the study consisted of 120 male and female students of B.S (Hons) in four departments of Government College University, Faisalabad. Convenient sampling method was utilized for selecting sample. For, achievement of the objectives of this study, the research questions was formulated. After going through the related literature the researcher prepared instrument of data collection consisting of questionnaire. Five experts reviewed the questionnaire and provide feedback. Five point Likert scale was used for this purpose. It was finalized after the response received from experts. Researcher personally collected the data. The collected data was analyzed by using the mean, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings of this research show significant relationship between teacher’s role as social entrepreneur and community development. Relationship of entrepreneur and community developers being valid and credible with the help of teacher





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How to Cite

Mahboob, S., Rasool, S., & Ishtiaq, A. (2023). “Teacher”: A Mechanism for Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1032–1038. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2023(4-III)95