Outburst and Management of Crisis between Pakistan and India in the Context of Nuclear Threats


  • Dr. Salma Naz Assistant Professor, Faculty of social Science & Humanities, Minhaj University, Lahore (MUL), Punjab, Pakistan




Crisis Management, Nuclear Deterrence, Nuclear Threats, Outburst of Crisis


Pakistan and India two nuclear states of south Asia have the hostile and conflicted history consisted on continuous mistrust, wars, conflicts, and skirmishes on border. The enduring antagonism between both countries that is augmented by signals of nuclear threats has produce recurrent crises. The threat of accidental collision between the both powers was high during these crises, nuclear deterrence stopped to expand the crisis into nuclear war and manage their crises diplomatically. This study covers the emerged crises between Pakistan and Indian during 2001-2019. The objective of the study is to explore the role of nuclear threats in Outburst and management of crisis between two nuclear powers. This research is qualitative in nature, so the qualitative technique is used for analysis of data. On the base of analysis conclusion is derived that nuclear threats played primary role in outburst and management of crises between Pakistan and India and on the base of conclusion recommendations are proposed that both powers should promote process of dialogue and to avoid crisis situation should avoid unnecessary nuclear signaling.





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How to Cite

Naz, S. (2023). Outburst and Management of Crisis between Pakistan and India in the Context of Nuclear Threats. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(4), 173–185. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2023(4-IV)16