Work-Family Conflict: A Study of Secondary School Teachers


  • Rizwan Ahmad Assistant Professor, Division of Education, University of Education Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Sumaira Majeed Assistant Professor (Visiting), Division of Education, University of Education Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Farhana Yasmin Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Conflict, Family-interference with Work, Work-interference with Family


The purpose of the research project was to investigate whether there was a connection between family-work and work-family interference in SSTs. Correlational research was used in this quantitative study. A cross-sectional survey was utilized to acquire the data. SSTs government high schools of Jhang were the population for this study. Six hundred and seventy SSTs were given Carlson's work-family conflict scale using random sampling. Permission was obtained before data collection began. The validity and reliability were ensured by pilot testing. On the data, pertinent statistics were applied. Research ethics were followed. More teachers reported work-related family conflict than work-related family conflict. In terms of gender, marital status, and qualification, there were no appreciable differences in WFC, however there were differences depending on age. It was discovered that WIF and FIW had a strong positive association. Organizations need to take into account new approaches to professional development that let people balance work and family obligations.





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How to Cite

Ahmad, R., Majeed, S., & Yasmin, F. (2023). Work-Family Conflict: A Study of Secondary School Teachers. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 841–854.