Impact of Digital media on the Sports Marketing: A Case Study of Govt. Institutes of Punjab Province
Government Institute, Sports Marketing, SocializationAbstract
The objective of this research is to observe the impact of social-media on sports marketing.
The Primary data is used in this research and have been collected through more prefer-able method i.e., questionnaire method. The research population was formed by all sport students on the different institute of Govt. sectors. Two-stage cluster sampling is used to collect the data. The selected clusters size is 384. For evaluation SPSS 21.0 was used. For the description of data, we present summary, and for checking the impact we perform multiple tests like Factor Analysis, Correlation, Neural Network and Regression Analyzes. There is a positive and significant relationship between getting information from social media networks of institutes and fans’ consuming behavior tendency and significant relationship between “Getting Information, Communication, Sharing with, Perception of Supporter, Spending Time factors and institute’s Licensed Product Preferences Tendency” factors.
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