Women’s Reproductive Rights A Situational Analysis in Pakistan
Culture, Health, Human Rights, Law, Reproduction, Right to Family Planning, Women’s RightsAbstract
To analyze the extent to which women have choices in reproduction. Issues related to human reproduction and reproductive health traverse multiple domains from medicine and technology to morality, law and culture. Qualitative research design was used for this research while using the case study method. Pakistan’s maternal mortality rate is at 319 per 100,000 live births about 46% of women do not receive skilled prenatal care or full protection against infections. Additionally, there is a lack of access to contraceptive methods that results in a high rate of unplanned pregnancies. Unplanned pregnancies often result in women resorting to abortion, which owing to restrictive legislation, occur in unsafe environments. Auditing reproductive health and family planning programs. Directing public and private health sector facilities to provide safe abortion services. Evaluation of population control programs.
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