Exploring the Role of E-Governance in the Economic Performance of Pakistan under Covid-19


  • Syed Kafait Hussain Naqvi Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Kotli, AJK, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Luqman Assistant Professor, Kashmir Institute of Economics (KIE), University of AJK, Muzaffarabad, AJK, Pakistan
  • Gohar Khan Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Baluchistan, Pakistan




Covid-19 Pandemic, Economic Performance, E-Governance


This study aims to investigate the role of e-governance during the catastrophe COVID-19 in the context of economic performance. The study is based on descriptive trend analysis and data is collected from the reports, statistics and ranking developed by United Nations and big data implications during Covid-19. It focuses on the comparisons and effects of e-governance on pandemic control and on economic performance. The study highlights the role of e-governance during the catastrophe and draw attention to the existing situations. It is found that the country’s ranking of e-government development indicators (EGDI) has declined gradually from score of 137 to 148 score. While, e-governance implications including the internet performance, 4G and big data technology played well to control the pandemic. The study concludes that e-governance plays positive role in combating pandemics as well as it is an important factor to achieve sustained economic growth. It is suggested that, Pakistan should learn from the experience of developed countries who has adopted victorious e-governance tools of technological progression. These efforts can help to fight catastrophe and also guarantee country’s sustainable economic performance.





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How to Cite

Naqvi, S. K. H., Luqman, M., & Khan, G. (2023). Exploring the Role of E-Governance in the Economic Performance of Pakistan under Covid-19. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(1), 194–203. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2023(4-I)19