A Quantitative Inquiry of Life Quality and Employability of Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Enrolled in Govt. Primary Special Education Institutes of Punjab: Parents’ View
Employability and Quality of Life, Primary Special Education, Students with Intellectual & Developmental DisabilitiesAbstract
Special education substantially improves socialization, performance and productivity among students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (SWIDDs). The purpose of this investigation was to highlight the relationship between quality of life and employability among SWIDDs who are studying in Govt. primary special education institutes (PSEIs) of Punjab. Instrument was developed consisting of 36 items and adapted in line with the research paradigm using random sampling technique. All measures showed good evidence of internal consistency and construct validity with .836 coefficient alpha value. Data was gathered from 500 parents of SWIDDs. The findings suggest strong relationship between quality of life and employability. More attention from the stakeholders was recommended to improve further the quality of life and enhance employment opportunities for the SWIDDs.
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