Effectiveness of Visual Lessons on YouTube during Lockdown in 2nd Wave of Covid -19 for Children with Intellectual Disabilities Studying in Child Welfare Center Perceived by their Parents
Covid-19, CWC, Intellectual Disabilities, Parents, YouTube Video LessonsAbstract
Due to COVID-19, all academic activities have been moved online and schools have been suspended in 189 nations from April 2020. The current research aimed to determine the effectiveness of visual lessons on YouTube during lockdown 2nd wave of COVID-19 for children with intellectual disabilities studying in child welfare center as perceived by their parents. The population of this study consisted of parents of all children with IDD from the Child Welfare Center Punjab University Lahore. The sample size was 30 parents. A self-developed validated questionnaire formulated on the Likert type scale was administered. Data was impersonally collected after getting permission of school principal. According to the study the effectiveness of video lessons has been experienced by all children with IDD regardless of their age. All mothers and fathers with different qualifications are in favor of video lessons. Results showed that cognitive skills (mean=29.00) are more developed as compared to practical and behavioral skills in response to YouTube visual lessons. We recommend that several kinds of teaching methods and more interactive videos should be used so that children with intellectual disabilities do not get bored.
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