Managing Conflicts: A Comparative Analysis of Anchorpersons of Political Talk Shows of Pakistan


  • Dr. Maira Qaddos Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, National University of Modern Languages, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Noshina Saleem Director, School of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Anchorperson, Conflict Escalation, Conflict Management, Pluralistic Media, Political Talk Shows


Pluralistic media is considered to be an independent platform for discussion, debate and exchange of opinions regarding any conflicting issue. Study intends to explore role of anchorpersons in managing conflicts among participants in discussion in political talk shows of Pakistan. The main objective of this study is to explore the role of anchorperson as facilitators to escalate or de-escalate the conflicts. Quantitative Content analysis of political talk shows of the leading TV channels, from Jan, 2012 to Dec, 2012, is conducted to observe the role of anchorpersons in conflict management. Moreover, a survey is also conducted in order to find out the audience perception about handling of conflicts by the anchorpersons. Findings of both the methods are analyzed in the light of theory of common ground. Study concludes that balance of panel and attitude of anchorperson doesn’t have any pivotal relationship with escalation of conflict. Language and tone are found to create a strong impact on nature of conflict in the talk shows. Unnecessary interference is found to create issue-oriented impact on conflict escalation and role of guests is found to be equally important or even more than anchorperson on escalation of conflict.





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How to Cite

Qaddos, M., & Saleem, N. (2022). Managing Conflicts: A Comparative Analysis of Anchorpersons of Political Talk Shows of Pakistan. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(2), 1035–1047.