Lessons from Scotland’s Administrative Framework: Developing the City Governance Model for Sectoral Efficiency in the Punjab


  • Prof. Dr. Iram Khalid Professor, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • Osama Sharoon PhD Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Pakistan




City Governor, City Governance, Councils, Devolution, Efficiency, Sectors, Scotland


This study envisions the unprecedented transformation of the Punjab Governance System, attempting to disentangle it from the chains of the status-quo-driven-centralised model. The current governance framework of the Punjab, which is misdirected and inefficient, seems to be shaking and bent upon collapse. Utilising Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework to steer the qualitative research methodology for data collection and analysis, this study unfolds the results that the centralisation-propelled fragmented authority and antiquated systems have strangled the empowerment of the Tehsils. Thus, the development of the City Governance Model, inspired by Scotland’s Council Model, is a sine qua non for devolving the authority and powers to the city level. Ipso facto, to give practical shape to this Model, the paper recommends a seven-step strategy: Accepting the current governance failure, socializing the populace, motivating the stakeholders, generating the revenues, developing the data science and incepting a Pilot Project.





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How to Cite

Khalid, I., & Sharoon, O. (2024). Lessons from Scotland’s Administrative Framework: Developing the City Governance Model for Sectoral Efficiency in the Punjab. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(4), 628–641. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2024(5-IV)55

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