Parliament and Democratization: Issues and Adjustments in Pakistan’s Parliaments (1988-1999)


  • Dr. Ammara Tariq Cheema Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan



Article 58-2-b, Democratization, Parliament, Power, Transition


The objective of this research paper is to highlight the fundamental requirement of a robust and efficient parliament in the smooth functioning of any parliamentary system and the performance of Pakistan’s parliament in the distinctive decade of 1988-1999. This decade was democratic in its nature but not in practice and the multiple four democratic regimes in a single decade gave a severe setback to democracy. Analyzing the multiple transitions of different governments helps to understand the conundrum of sustaining democracy in Pakistan. This study employing qualitative approach with analytical method of research to examine how the institution of parliament functioned and evolved during this decade. It is found out that influence of military over politics, redundant use of Article 58-2-B of the constitution by the presidents, limited autonomy and effectiveness of parliament and political rivalries resulted in the fall of this democratic decade and paved the way for another martial law. The study recommends institutionalization of parliament in an effective manner that encourages and enhanced the democratization, thus independence of parliament is mandatory, and there should not be undue interference from the executive branch.





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How to Cite

Cheema, A. T. (2024). Parliament and Democratization: Issues and Adjustments in Pakistan’s Parliaments (1988-1999). Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(3), 189–197.