Arctic Geopolitics and the Possible Impact on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy


  • Muhammad Farhan Khan Adjunct faculty member, Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Jamshaid Assistant Director (Under training -UT), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Islamabad, Pakistan



Arctic Geopolitics, Foreign Policy, Pakistan, Russian Northern Sea Routes


The Purpose of this study consists of three dynamic perspectives. The first one is to understand Climate change and its impacts on global community. The Second is to grasp the geopolitical variable of sea born trade shifts from Indian Ocean to Arctic Ocean and North Sea. Finally, the vast energy resources in the bottom of the Arctic as well as open up the northern trade route. The Arctic Ocean route has also provided more options for, those, nations dependent on energy imports and trade, for their economic growth. The resultant competition for viability between the North Sea and Indian Ocean trade routes shall force all the energy dependent nations to change their foreign policy decisions and shift towards Northern routes for trade. The methodology adopted for this study is based on qualitative research model. The research recommended that Pakistan, too, must turn its gaze more to the North, towards Central Asia and then towards Russia.





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How to Cite

Khan, M. F., & Jamshaid, M. (2024). Arctic Geopolitics and the Possible Impact on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(2), 641–651.