Inspirational Predictors Influencing the Learner's Intention toward MOOC Adoption and Usage in the Education Sector in Sindh, Pakistan: Extension of TAM Model


  • Masoomi Hifazat Ali Shah Ph.D. Scholar, Kulliah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Muhammad Irshad Nazeer Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur Sindh, Pakistan
  • Faryal Shamsi Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Sukkur IBA University, Sukkur Sindh, Pakistan



Education Sector, Inspirational Predictors, MOOC Adoption, Sindh Pakistan, TAM Model


This study aims to examine factors influencing the learner’s perception and expectations regarding the MOOC platform adoption and usage in the education sector in Sindh, Pakistan. Past literature revealed that learning through MOOC is challenging for learners due to the insufficient digital skills, outdated course quality and design, inadequate course evaluation mechanisms, and IT infrastructure compatibilities that meet the traditional classroom to the online classroom setting. For the quantitative approach method, there were sixty-two learners from top institutions were given their initial responses for the reliability analysis. Cronbach's Alpha is declared as reliable since its coefficient Alpha is above or equal to 0.7 using SPSS tool. All the constructs have significance values ranging between 0.792 to 0.924 respectively, which seems to be higher than the Cronbach Alpha coefficient (α ≥ 0.7). In our analysis, the reliability test ensures evidently that the measurement instrument and data quality are compatible and sufficient. This research will contribute to the strong status of the progressive MOOC platform in education and align its teaching and learning standards that are associated with international standard education.





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How to Cite

Shah, M. H. A., Nazeer, M. I., & Shamsi, F. (2024). Inspirational Predictors Influencing the Learner’s Intention toward MOOC Adoption and Usage in the Education Sector in Sindh, Pakistan: Extension of TAM Model. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(1), 633–645.