Academic Usage of Social Media by University Students in Pakistan: Merits, Demerits and Challenges


  • Dr. Irem Sultana Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Hamid Yaseen Ahmed PhD Scholar, Department of History, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan



Academic Accomplishments, Authoritative Commands, Ban, Freedom of Expression, Social Media


The current study is to assess the social media usage for academic purpose by university students in Pakistan and its benefits, advantages, drawbacks, shortcomings, disadvantages as well as challenges for social networking sites in Pakistan. The country is facing bans on social media sites which is harming the right of freedom of expression of the society. Keeping in considerations all these challenges and situations the study is designed to do by using the survey technique and opinion of 200 hundred students from different universities was collected on the phenomenon as well as the data for commanding the social media by authorities was qualitatively analyzed. The conceptual framework was set in line to uses and gratification theory and examined accordingly. The study concludes that academic accomplishments by social media were increased in recent years but still social media is used for entertainment purpose at large and suggested that no social media forum should be banned.





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How to Cite

Sultana, I., & Ahmed, H. Y. (2024). Academic Usage of Social Media by University Students in Pakistan: Merits, Demerits and Challenges. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(2), 62–73.