Unveiling Climate Consciousness: Assessing Perceptions based on Social Media and Mass Communication Strategies among Balochistan University Students


  • Architect Omer Shujat Bhatti Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, UMT Lahore, Pakistan
  • Architect Saad Mujahid Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, UMT Lahore, Pakistan
  • Engineer Nuaman Ishfaq Mughal MS ED Student, Dept. of Nutritional Sciences & Environmental Design, AIOU Islamabad, Pakistan




Climate Change, Mass Communication, Public Sensitization, Social Media, Youth Awareness


Climate change transformed Pakistan into 5th most vulnerable nation across globe facing threats of food and water scarcity, increased flooding, extreme heat, more disease, and economic loss. Balochistan is its largest province and challenges are multifold. In order to face these, role of mass communication and social media is vital and needs exploration to evaluate and improve. Climate change forced major threat across Pakistan. Quetta as capital of Baloshistan acts as hub of educational institutions. Hence sensitization amongst students needed exploration to identify gaps and future strategies. Online questionnaires using purposive sampling method was used to collect data from three universities during COVID19 pandemic. Major of the respondents were aware of climate change, its causes, its impacts and role of media was acknowledged to be critical for future mass scale sensitization. Future strategies must incorporate social media and digital means in social and public sensitization.





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How to Cite

Bhatti, O. S., Mujahid, S., & Mughal, N. I. (2024). Unveiling Climate Consciousness: Assessing Perceptions based on Social Media and Mass Communication Strategies among Balochistan University Students. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(2), 33–44. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2024(5-II)04