Human-Technology Symbiosis in Katie Williams' Tell the Machine Goodnight


  • Saeeda Nazir Lecturer in English, Higher Education Department, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • Farkhanda Shahid Khan Lecturer, Department of English Literature, Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan



Cyborg, Human-Technology, Posthumanism, Sci-fi


This study delves into the symbiotic relationship between humans and technology and how machines and humans co-relate pleasantly in Katie Williams' Tell the Machine Goodnight (2018). The research argues that humans cannot be isolated from technology but rather they correspond to each other, and, in due course, this human-technology interface will help them to survive in the coming decades. By using the theoretical framework of Posthumanism with its central strand of Transhumanism, the article evaluates the assemblage of humans with machines in this sci-fi text where they do not harm each other, but help and coordinate for productivity and profundity. The philosophy of Posthumanism contests the dominance of the human species over other species. Transhumanism gives the notion that human capacities can be strengthened by working with various technological tools; likewise, it illustrates the idea that there must be an unreserved relationship between artificial tools and humans since humans do not exist in a monolithic form but make symbiosis with other forms of life. Thus, the article concludes that in the contemporary period, survival is better possible if humans use technology to complement and disburden their capabilities to bring prosperity to their future.





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How to Cite

Nazir, S., & Khan, F. S. (2023). Human-Technology Symbiosis in Katie Williams’ Tell the Machine Goodnight. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1105–1112.