Silencing and Politics of Exclusion: Representation of Women in Pakistani Primetime Dramas


  • Dr. Amina Shahzadi Assistant Professor English, University of Education Multan Campus, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Samina Ali Asghar Assistant Professor English University of Education Faisalabad Campus, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Abeera Saeed Lecturer in English University of Education Division of Science and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Feminism, Ideology, Primetime, Representation, Silence, Stereotypical


Representation of women in the media is vital in shaping people’s attitudes towards women, their beliefs about gender roles, and their construct of identity. This study aims to explore the nature of social roles, occupations and power relations assigned to women in Pakistani primetime dramas. Drawing on the theoretical stance of Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis, theory of representation and Social Semiotics, the content analysis was used to analyse 14 primetime dramas of PTV Home and Geo Entertainment channel. The findings suggest that in Pakistani primetime dramas, women are positioned in a narrow range of social and occupational roles. There are only a few women writers and they are unable to represent women as they want because the power is with the men who are the directors, producers and media owners. By systematic marginalization of the female experience and silencing of female voices, media makes it impossible for these voices to be heard and valued. It is suggested that primetime dramas needs to provide the balanced picture of women's diverse lives and their contributions to society.





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How to Cite

Shahzadi, A., Asghar, S. A., & Saeed, A. (2023). Silencing and Politics of Exclusion: Representation of Women in Pakistani Primetime Dramas. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(4), 419–432.