Opportunities and Challenges Facing Entrepreneurial Education in Pakistani Universities in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative


  • Yin Bingquan PhD Scholar, Department of History& Pak Studies, University of the Punjab University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Maqbool Awan Associate Professor, Department of History& Pak Studies, University of the Punjab University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan




CPEC, HEC, Belt & Road, Security Issues, Curriculum Management


In 2013, China has implemented the “Belt and Road” development strategy. Pakistan is a key point of the “Belt and Road” due to its special geopolitical and geoeconomic factors. The implementation of this strategy has brought unlimited opportunities and challenges for Pakistan. With the completion of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, the Gwadar Port, the Kacuun Highway, subway projects and industrial parks and many major projects will be successfully completed in economic, political, cultural and energy fields. As the fifth largest country in the world, Pakistan has rich natural and labor resources. Today, entrepreneurship education is a hot topic in many universities around the world. Entrepreneurship education can help increase job opportunities and reduce national employment pressure. As an important subject of higher education, entrepreneurship education is an interesting and challenging research project for governments, colleges and universities. The majority of young people in Pakistan are gradually becoming internationalized in Pakistan. The desire of the general public and college students for self-employment is growing stronger. Pakistan and China are not only interconnected in terms of political economy, culture, and exchanges in higher education but also sending more and more international students and teachers. China's fruitful results of "mass innovation and entrepreneurship" will definitely have a positive impact on entrepreneurship in the universities in Pakistan. In this paper, the idea of Entrepreneurial education is discussed at large in term of the references of Pakistan. It also highlights the opportunities and challenges in the developing country like Pakistan. “One belt and Road “project as overwhelm inquired by the different quarters of the world will give benefits to entrepreneurial education in Pakistan. The argument is justified by the contemporary sources.





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How to Cite

Bingquan, Y., & Awan, M. (2023). Opportunities and Challenges Facing Entrepreneurial Education in Pakistani Universities in the Context of the Belt and Road Initiative. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1014–1020. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2023(4-III)93