GEO-Spatial Analysis of H₂O Excellence and its Influence on Public Health, Taluka Faiz Ganj District Khairpur, Sindh


  • Naila Parveen Abbasi Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Nisar Ahmed Khand Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Ghazala Parveen Abbasi Assistant Professor, Department of Education, SMBBGC, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan



Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality, Human Health


Water is the staple need of sustainable improvement with well significant source Healthy production of energy, food, and economic development is essential. Ecosystem as well as for human existence as well. Without water, nothing on earth can survive. It makes up around 60% of our body and covers 71% of the surface. The availability of clean water is an essential for sustainable human health. Polluted water is a major cause of environmental hazard and it’s dangerous for human health. The exploration is based on the monitoring the water quality impact on human health. For analyzing the findings geo-informatical and statistical techniques have been applied. Current study is an attempt to know the sources of intake H2O at Faiz Ganj , though quality water on different areas and how many people effect due to unhygienic water. For this study water samples has been collected from various major sources and tested in laboratories. Based on results of water samples the pH is found at high rate in samples, and the quality of water is not drinking able. The delivery system is also unhygienic. People’s perception about the quality of water is that there is no need to drink purified water due to emotional attachment and unawareness. This study helps in increasing and enhancing awareness about safe drinking water. It is seen though water contains dangerous indigents but people are using river water as a first priority then hand pump in last well for drinking.





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How to Cite

Abbasi, N. P., Khand, N. A., & Abbasi, G. P. (2023). GEO-Spatial Analysis of H₂O Excellence and its Influence on Public Health, Taluka Faiz Ganj District Khairpur, Sindh. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(3), 981–990.