Effect of Individual Differences, Situational Factors, and Symbolic Interpretative Influence on the University Teachers’ Whistle-Blowing Perceived Attitude
Individual Differences, Situational Factors, Symbolic Interpretative Influence, Whistle-Blowing Perceived AttitudeAbstract
The paper aimed to determine the effect of individual differences, situational factors, and symbolic interpretative influence on Pakistani university teachers’ whistle-blowing perceived attitude. A quantitative research design was used to collect data with the help of a multistage sampling technique. The target population of the study consisted of all male and female teachers at public sector universities and HEIs of the Pakistani Punjab province. Nine out of 35 universities were selected randomly. However, at least 150 university teachers in each selected institution were selected conveniently to constitute a sample of 1350 teachers. It is pertinent to mention that the study was derived from the doctorate thesis of the first author of this research paper and most data regarding all four variables was taken from his dissertation (Malik, 2023). In his doctorate research, he developed a whistle-blowing questionnaire and administered it to 1350 university teachers. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. The analysis results and findings revealed that respondents considerably agreed with most statements of the whistle-blowing questionnaire and their views were substantially higher regarding all four variables of whistle-blowing. Moreover, a significant positive relationship was observed among these variables indicating strong coefficient values, mostly high followed by some moderate values. Similarly, the predictors of whistle-blowing, including individual differences, situational factors, and symbolic-interpretative influence, successfully predicted the outcome variable, the whistle-blowing perceived attitude. Therefore, it was concluded that university teachers gave high importance to whistle-blowing and its four indicators. All four indicators were closely associated with each other. The predictor variables played a key role in increasing and inculcating the whistle-blowing attitude among university teachers. Hence, some recommendations were made regarding the need, scope, and effect of whistle-blowing in academic institutions regarding its policy and practices. Finally, the researchers also suggested that further research may be needed to increase whistle-blowing practices in academic institutions.
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