Physical Comparison, Diet Belief and Weight Stigma among Women University and College Students
Diet Belief, Physical Appearance Comparison, Weight Self-StigmaAbstract
The present study was accomplished to observe the role of physical comparison and diet belief in weight self-stigma among women students. A total number of 250 college students (Age=12-28) were selected through purposive sampling from different colleges of Faisalabad city. The participants were assessed through in order to investigate the findings following measures was used to assess the findings i.e. Demographic Form were used to gather the personal information. Weight Self Stigma Scale (WSSC; Janson et al., 2010) would be used to measure the weight related self -stigma, Physical Comparison Scale-Revised (PACS-R; Lauren et al., 2014) would be used to measure the overall tendency to compare one's own appearance to the appearance of others in social situations , Diet Belief Scale (DBS; Stotland and Zurrof 1990) would be used to measure the dieting and weight locus of control. To investigate the finding intercorrelation, regression analysis, t-test and MANOVA analysis were used to analyze the data. The conclusions of the data show that weight self-stigma have significant relationship between physical appearance comparison, diet beliefs. Dieting Belief Scale and Physical comparison is the most significant predictors of Weight self-stigma. The results show significant differences on scores of physical appearance comparison, dieting beliefs and weight self-stigma among adolescents and adult women students. The results displaying significant differences on scores of physical appearance comparison, dieting beliefs, and weight self-stigma in term of educational levels among women.
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