The Varicose Ulcer of 1984: Interpellated Auto-culpablization in Orwell
Auto-culpablization, Big Brother, Interpellation, ISAs, RSAs, TotalitarianismAbstract
This paper analyzes the ways and tools through which Orwell’s characters are subjected to interpellated auto-culpabilization in his celebrated novel 1984. Interpellation is a process through which people internalise certain ethical, cultural and political norms. Through interpellation, groups/hegemonic regimes inculcate their beliefs into the minds of people via discursive and coercive practices. For Althusser (1971 & 2014), ideology functions as a recruiting agent to recruit subjects who are unconsciously already interpellated. Ideology serves as a booster shot to enable different individuals to adhere to the call of ruling elite through ISAs and RSAs. This paper argues that interpellation always leads to auto-culpablization. Kundera (1988) uses the term auto-culpablization to define characters trapped in totalitarian setups and are made to feel guilty for the wrong-doings done by the regime itself. This study highlights all those tools of interpellation used by Big Brother to promote his socio-political agenda in Orwell’s 1984.
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