Wadudia School and Swat Museum: Lost Heritage of Swat


  • Ubaid Ullah Lecturer, Department of Architecture, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, Abbottabad Campus, KP, Pakistan
  • Syed Mansoor Ali Shah Lab Architect, Department of Architecture, University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, Abbottabad Campus, KP, Pakistan
  • Zobia Master Student, National Institute of Urban infrastructure planning (NIUIP), University of Engineering & Technology Peshawar, KP, Pakistan




Architectural Heritage, Conservation, Swat Museum, Swat State, Wadudia School


In the last decade, two significant buildings of the swat state’s era were deteriorated and damaged due to natural and man-made disasters, the wadudia school and swat museum. This paper aims to document, analyze and compare these events and subsequent reconstruction of these buildings. Conservation and preservation of built heritage is the collective responsibility of the state and citizens, due to its role as a valuable resource for present and future generations. Heritage buildings not only contain the material evidence of their time but carry itself the long history. This research used a case study as the primary research method combined with a descriptive research method. This study emphasizes the basic consideration for the protection and conservation of numerous heritage sites and buildings of the swat region. This is high time to consider built heritage as assets and resources, for their long-listed benefits including economic educational, and cultural tourism.





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How to Cite

Ullah, U., Shah, S. M. A., & Zobia. (2023). Wadudia School and Swat Museum: Lost Heritage of Swat. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(2), 68–75. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2023(4-II)07