Impact of Transformational Leadership, Work Engagement, Helping Behavior on Job Performance: Evidence from Islamic Banks of Hyderabad, Pakistan
Helping Behavior, Job Performance, Transformational Leadership, Work EngagementAbstract
Aim of this study is to examine the role of transformational leadership, work engagement and helping behavior on job performance in Islamic banks of Hyderabad, Pakistan. For achieving these objectives of study, cross-sectional data gathered from middle level employees through printed questionnaire. Total 250 printed questionnaires distributed out of which 200 printed questionnaires data cleaned and used for data analysis. Smart PLS version 3 used for analysis of data. Findings, of this study revealed all studied variables including transformational leadership, work engagement and helping behavior found to have positive and significant impact on job performance in Islamic banks of Hyderabad, Pakistan. However, the work engagement has impact that is more significant on job performance with respect to other independent variables due to higher beta value. Based on the limited knowledge of authors, this is a first study which attempted to identify the role of transformational leadership, work engagement and helping behavior on job performance in Islamic banks of Hyderabad, Pakistan.
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