Countering Violent Extremism and Combating Models in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Rizwan Bhatti Ph. D Scholar, Department of Political Science Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Dr. Ali Shan Shah Assistant Professor Department of Political Science Government College University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan



Counter Narrative, Counter Violent Extremism, De-radicalization, Rehabilitation, Terrorism, Sectarian Conflict


Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) has become redoubtable task to combat the amorphous nature of conflicts around the globe. Extremism is a daunting phenomenon which requires persistent efforts at societal, political and socio-economic level to counter the recurrence, resurgence and involvement of hostile extraneous agencies to disrupt the peace in Pakistan. The study familiarizes the reader with the application of non-kinetic measures to counter violent extremism through deradicalization and undercutting the ideological and violent discourse narratives. This study is an endeavour to construct a context-based and multi pronged model of countering violent extremism in Pakistan. Counter violent extremism (CVE) helps in combating the scourge of terrorism through countering the extremist narrative, prevention, rehabilitation and after care programmes of terrorists. This research helps in devising the CVE models to deal extremism on Macro, Meso and Micro level. The research methodology is qualitative, based on the study of research journals, article, books, newspapers, non-structured interviews and personal reflections.





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How to Cite

Rizwan Bhatti, M., & Shan Shah, A. (2022). Countering Violent Extremism and Combating Models in Pakistan. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(4), 208–220.