Metacognitive Skills: Investigating the Effect on Pupil Teachers’ Written Task Performance


  • Dr. Muhammad Shahid Zulfiqar Ali Visiting Lecturer, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Zain Idrees Visiting Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Mamoona Asghar MPhil Scholar, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan



Metacognition, Metacognitive Skills, Prospective Teachers, Written Assignment Performance


The current study was conducted for investigating the effect of the Metacognitive skills on pupil teachers’ written assignment performance. The study was executed while using the Quasi-Experimental nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The two sections of B.Ed (Honors) Semester-I (each consisting of 30 students) were selected conveniently for this study. Before the intervention, both of the selected groups have been pretested and there was no statistical difference found among them concerning their Metacognitive Skills. The intervention (Cooperative Learning approach) was given to the experimental group whereas the controlled group was given the conventional treatment. The intervention duration consisted of one semester only. There were five Metacognitive skills that the researcher intended to develop. The “Planning” and “Information Management” skills were focused during the first two weeks of each month whereas the rest of the skills “Monitoring, “Debugging” and “Evaluation” were focused during the last two weeks. The researcher used a performance test named “Metacognitive Skills Assessment Tool” (MSAT) adapted from (Ali, Siddiqui, & Tatlah, 2020) comprising 14 items (representing Metacognitive skills) to measure the prospective teachers’ skills. Furthermore, the Rubrics for Metacognitive Skills Assessment Tool (RMSAT) were used to rate the prospective teachers’ performance taken on MSAT. These were also adopted from (Ali, Siddiqui, & Tatlah, 2020). On the other hand, the pupil teachers’ written assignment performance has been measured with the help of the “Assessment Criteria for Report Writing (ACRW)” developed by (Siddiqui, 2016). Base on the results taken from Pearson’s r and Linear Regression analysis, it has been concluded that the Metacognitive skills have a statistically significantly high effect on prospective teachers’ Metacognitive skills development.





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How to Cite

Shahid Zulfiqar Ali, M., Idrees, Z., & Asghar, M. (2022). Metacognitive Skills: Investigating the Effect on Pupil Teachers’ Written Task Performance. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(4), 125–136.