Struggling for Crumbs: Economic Security of Pakistan’s Transgender Community Amidst the Global Pandemic
Economic Security, Gender Security, Social Isolation, Social Segregation TransgenderAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find out the Economic Stress of Covid-19 on the marginal transgender community of Pakistan and to suggest relief packages and more inclusive work opportunities for the destitute community. “Transgender” or “Hijra” refers to the umbrella term used to define the non-binary sexual abnormalities along with gender fluid people associated with the community, these includes; Hermaphrodites or intersex people, eunuch, transvestite, trans-women, trans-men and others. Already an ostracized group in Pakistani society because they are seen as sexually deformed people with deviant proclivities such as dancing, prostitution, homosexuality or begging, etc. Thus, they are stigmatized and devoid of any social status leading to limited sources of income. Trans-phobia is a major reason for their unemployment in the mainstream sector of the economy, while social isolation blows the deal employing them via back route or illicit means of earning: primarily in the service sector that requires close proximity; human contact or social gathering. Amidst Covid-19 and social distancing, the streets have also been closed down on this community. Hence, those already living in social isolation need to be pulled away from starvation and social isolation via a collective effort.
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