Planktic Foraminiferal Study of Jhimpir Area, Sohnari Member (Laki Formation), Southern Indus Basin, Pakistan


  • Seema Naz Siddiqui Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Humera Naz Associate Professor, Center for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Owais Niaz Lecturer, Department of Geology, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan



Laki Formation, Limestone, Palaeontology, Sohnari Member, Ypresian (Eocene)


Biostratigraphic study is important to learn about the stratigraphic record which mainly focuses on determining the relative ages of rock strata by studying variety of fossil assemblages within them in order to understand paleo-environment conditions. The Planktonic foraminifera of Sohnari Member (Laki Formation) in Jhimpir Area, Southern Indus Basin, Sindh Pakistan, is described and illustrated on the basis of Planktonic zonation. The main objective of this research work is to collect data and rock samples systematically from the study area, to identify the Stratigraphy of Jhimpir area, to collect fossil content for the biostratigraphic age determination of Laki Formation and systematic paleontogical study of Laki Formation. Shale in Jhimpir having a Spinose species fauna of Globogerina is considered to be of upper Eocene(Ypresian) age and presence of Morozovella and Acarinina species (Latelian) confirm the age of Sohnari Member as Ypresian to Lutetion.





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How to Cite

Naz Siddiqui, S., Naz, H., & Niaz, O. (2022). Planktic Foraminiferal Study of Jhimpir Area, Sohnari Member (Laki Formation), Southern Indus Basin, Pakistan. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 3(2), 762–772.