The Impact of Triple Talaq in Pakistan: Legal, Social, and Religious Perspectives with a Case Study of Sindh


  • Danish Bashir Mangi Lecturer and In-Charge Chairman at Department of Law, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan & Ph.D. (Law) Scholar, Dadabhoy, Institute of Higher Education, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Liaquat Ali Magsi LL.M. (Final) Institute of Law, Metharam Building, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Umair Ali LL.B. (Honors), LL.M. students at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of technology, USA



Divorce, Religious Concept, Sindh, Triple Talak, Case Study of Sindh, Violation of Female Rights


The practice of triple talaq, or talaq-e-bid’ah, has been a subject of much debate because of its legal, social, and economic implications for Muslim women. While the Quran has provided a structured and gradual process of divorce, triple talaq permits a husband to instantly and irrevocably divorce his wife by pronouncing “talaq” three times in one sitting. This is against the teachings of Islam, which emphasize reconciliation and patience. Traditionally, Caliph Umar exercised triple talaq as a form of disciplinary punishment, but unfortunately, it was grossly misused, mainly in Pakistan where the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961 provides for regulation on the matter but its enforcement is pretty lenient. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the legal, historical, and religious implications of triple talaq on women, a case study, and challenges in reforming Pakistan’s divorce laws. The methodology used is doctrinal which provides legal research approach used involves Islamic texts, Pakistani legal frameworks, and international precedents are emphasized. Besides this, comparative analysis with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and Jordan provides legal reforms that can be used to make policy changes in Pakistan. The result shows Triple talaq is a violation of women’s rights and creates financial instability, legal uncertainty, and social stigma. The recommendations are to change the Pakistani laws, make mediation obligatory, and education imparted about the Islamic procedure of divorce in communities. Strong legal protection with awareness and active involvement of religious scholars are dire needs to establish gender justice and marital fairness in Pakistan.





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How to Cite

Mangi, D. B., Magsi, L. A., & Ali, U. (2025). The Impact of Triple Talaq in Pakistan: Legal, Social, and Religious Perspectives with a Case Study of Sindh. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 6(1), 222–231.