Tea Culture in China: Tradition meets Modernity


  • Wang Lu PhD Scholar, Department of History and Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab , Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan




Shaoxing Rizhu, Wuyuan Zheyuan, Xinglong Shuangjing, Yangxian


Tea can be so readily accepted by the world people simply because it is the only man-made beverage that is low in cost and conductive to health with the least adverse effect. Scientific analysis shows that tea contains a variety of substances that are effective in preventing cancer, reducing the level of cholesterol, disinfecting, helping digestion, refreshing the mind, postponing aging and beautifying human looks. In addition, tea contains some ingredients that have a unique power to resist oxidization. As a result, tea has great potential value in the local culture of every province of China. Scientific study of tea and the application of new technology will bring about a revolution in Chinese tea industries. Chinese tea culture covers almost all realms of life, both physical and spiritual. Tea culture is a branch of learning that takes as its subject of study the relationship between tea-marketing and tea-drinking on the one hand and the various aspects of political, economic and cultural life on the other as well as the influence they exert on each other. To study and systematize it carries a great and far-reaching significance. Primary and secondary data have been analysed through qualitative research which has resulted into the China big market of the tea, and it is becoming popular with the time.





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How to Cite

Lu, W. (2024). Tea Culture in China: Tradition meets Modernity. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(4), 232–241. https://doi.org/10.47205/jdss.2024(5-IV)22