Geopolitics in Deep Waters: The South China Sea Dispute and Strategic Global Shifts


  • Mian Yasir Hayat Lecturer, Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
  • Izhar Ahmad Bacha Visiting Faculty, Department of International Relations, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan & PhD Scholar, Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar, KP, Pakistan
  • Asaad Khiyam Undergraduate Student (BS-IR), Department of International Relations, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KP, Pakistan



FONOPs, International Stability, Offensive Realism, South China Sea, Strategic Shift, Territorial Disputes, UNCLOS


The South China Sea (SCS) dispute is one of the most burning issues in contemporary international politics. Mainstream academia and scholarship are rigorously investigating various dimensions of the dispute. The present study attempts to analyze the conflict of interest of various states in the South China Sea region and the consequences of rising assertiveness from the contesting parties. The study adopts qualitative methodology and analyzes the data collected from various sources of literature utilizing a thematic analysis. The study analyses the problem in the paradigm of Offensive Realism and argues that rising assertiveness and the compromised nature of international law will subsequently lead to regional and global instabilities. The study further suggests that the enhancement of the international sea regime and peaceful settlement of territorial disputes between the contesting parties can potentially reduce the risk of military confrontations in the South China Sea region.





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How to Cite

Hayat, M. Y., Bacha, I. A., & Khiyam, A. (2024). Geopolitics in Deep Waters: The South China Sea Dispute and Strategic Global Shifts. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(3), 556–567.