Prevalence of Toxic Teaching in High Schools and its Impact on Psycho-Social Well Being, and Academic Progression of Students


  • Bushra Liaquat Elementary School Science Teacher (EST), Punjab, Pakistan
  • Kashmala Rani M.Phil. Scholar, Institute of Education, university of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Misbah Dilawer SSE (SC), Punjab, Pakistan



Academic Progression, classroom participation, Intervention, Mental Health, Students’ sentiments, Psycho-Social Well-Being, Self-Esteem, Toxic Teaching


Toxic teaching is characterized by abusive behavior, harsh criticism,belittlement, and a lack of empathy on part of teachers towards students. This study explored the prevalence of toxic teaching in high schools and its impact on the psycho-social well-being and academic progression of students.This study is helpful for the teachers, Headmaster and District Education Officers in implementing future programme to eradicate toxic teaching practices and to promote effective teaching and learning environment. In view point of students and up to the knowledge of researcher this study has received less attention in Private and Public schools of Pakistan.The findings of our study align with previous research on the harmful effects of toxic teaching on students' learning and well-being. Previous studies (Bhatti et al., 1989) have shown that constant put-downs, mockery, or ignoring students' ideas can seriously damage their confidence and self-esteem. Through a mixed-method approach, data is collected from a diverse sample of high school students. The study assesses the frequency and nature of toxic teaching behaviors reported by students and analyzes their responses and academic outcomes. The findings of this study shed light on the detrimental effects of toxic teaching on students.It is recommended that there is an urgent need for interventions and support systems to create a positive and nurturing learning environment.





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How to Cite

Liaquat, B., Rani, K., & Dilawer, M. (2024). Prevalence of Toxic Teaching in High Schools and its Impact on Psycho-Social Well Being, and Academic Progression of Students. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 5(3), 148–166.