Care-Chronicles: Prevalence and Socio-cultural Spectrum of Fetal Brain Development Defects in Punjab, Pakistan


  • Ayesha Siddiqa Ph. D Scholar and Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology & Criminology, University of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Prof. Dr. Yasir Nawaz Manj Professor, Department of Sociology, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan



Dietary Supplements, Maternal Malnutrition, Neural Tube Defect


Fetal brain development defects like spina bifida and Hydrocephalus, a worse outcome of maternal malnutrition is a significant public health concern globally, which leads to child morbidity and mortality consequently. The Present study explores the intricate landscape of fetal brain development defects and aims to foster deeper understanding of the role of socio-economic dynamics and cultural practices for shaping poor maternal health and nutritional practices outcomes. Applying Quantitative research in province of Punjab, Pakistan. Multistage sampling was used for conducting in-person surveys at public children hospitals in randomly selected districts. Whereas, purposive sampling technique selected for approaching 450 mothers as study respondents who have at least one child with Neural Tube defect (HCP & SB). Major findings highlighted association of socio-cultural factors as: Household income, type of marriage, education level of respondent, women autonomy, place of residence and maternal health seeking behavior regarding nutritional practices. Elimination of poverty, enhancing female autonomy and literacy, campaigns for Mass awareness, promoting the use of fortified food & supplements as preventive measures are recommended.





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How to Cite

Siddiqa, A., & Manj, Y. N. (2023). Care-Chronicles: Prevalence and Socio-cultural Spectrum of Fetal Brain Development Defects in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Development and Social Sciences, 4(2), 1115–1130.